Saturday 29 August 2015

when i run Canada / New political party

i \'ve been thinking that harper doesn't know who to govern for the people, and frankly i have my doubts about Trudeau, ready or not, i think that he comes from money and therefore can not see past his own nose.  therefore i have been thinking that i should start my own political party and , not this election, but the next one, actually put forth some contenders nationwide.  maybe call it the Ubuntu party, like the one that is already out there, or call it the fixit party, because thats exactly what we will do. fix it.

any name suggestions (that are not profane) will be welcomed.

now, heres what i mean.

1 - firstly there's the problem with lobbyists trying to influence politicians.  to many backroom deals happen because some corporation wants something and they "convince" politicians to do what they want, one way or another.  my solution is simple.  being a lobbyist in Canada will be rendered illegal.  penalties for attempting this sort of thing will begin at deportation, or Incarceration, minimum sentence, 10 years. no chance of parole.  no chance of white collar prison.

2 - there is also the problem that politicians are all in it for the money, and if they aren't, they are a rare gen indeed.  my solution. simple, politicians on all levels will make minimum wage. no more, travel will be reimbursed only if teleconferencing wont work.  also, as a small addendum, political attack ads will be illegal too.  frankly they annoy me.

3 -the department of indian affairs will be totally dismantled.  its long overdue to notice that these are people who can look after themselves.  this will be replaced with a well constructed department of aboriginal assistance.   apologies be dammed, this will show that the government is finally serious about reconciliation. the department of aboriginal assistance will help aboriginal people reclaim their dignity..

4 - frakking will be outlawed.  no ifs ands or buts, just a blanket ban. attempting to do so will have a hefty 1 million dollar fine, per liter of water used in this way.  their equipment will also be seized (and destroyed) and the company, if foreign will be evicted from this country.

5 - nationally, all waterways  will be put on a wildlife comes first policy.  forests will be protected.  Canada is known worldwide for its natural beauty, so we need to make sure that its not just a rumor when people come to see it.  reforestation projects will be under taken  in desertified regions,   these projects will likely star that wonderful keystone species, the beaver.

4 - all universities and colleges will be free to attend, paid for by industry.  you still have to excel to get into good programs but you wont pay a dime to go to school.  we can not use our youth as a bank account.  student debt will be forgiven and reimbursed.  how will w pay for this?  simple.  see entry 6.

5 - many farms will be outfitted so that they will have four crops per year instead of one.  norther regions will see large , energy officiant greenhouses built to grow food for the local population.  this should cut down on costs because  not much will have to be flown in any more.  plus the issue with the starving population will be automatically addressed.  prices will be fixed at affordable levels as to not make someone, figuratively, mortgage their homes to buy a salad.

6- we will legalize and regulate marijuana and prostitution.  i know, its a hot button issue, but there are reasons for this.  remember that pig farm that had all those dead prostitutes buried in it?  if we do nothing, that will be free to happen again.  don't get me wrong, pimping will still be a crime, but Licensed prostitutes will be given regular checkups and safety guidelines and possibly a bodyguard so that such things like that scary pig farm incident will never happen again.   as for pot, well, if its readily available from stores then illegal trade in that substance will evaporate, and the federally created varieties will have quality inspections to avoid poisonings that might happen if someone deals tainted stuff.

there's also the fact that the rest of the ant can be used as paper, textiles, clothing and a vast range of other products.  and lastly on this point, we can in fact tax both of these things and make some serious revenue..

7 - homelessness - to solve homelessness, the answer is actually quite simple. we build them houses.  there can be a federal source of funding to build appropriately sized and possibly off the grid housing for any homeless person who needs it.  those among the homeless who do not want a home will still be given the offer.

8 - energy - we as a country will rid ourselves of the need for fossil fuels and nuclear energy.  the solution ?   solar, wind,  geothermal, tidal, and wave power are all readily avaiable and usually quite inexpensive to implement.  solar roadways with printable soar cells cna and will be used if possible, and barring that, i do have a plan to harvest materials to make every roadway in canada a solar roadway.  we will be able to export energy to the world, and energy technology.

9 pollution eradication - smog filters will be placed at  strategic locations in all major cities to clean up our air, water filtration facilities will be required at all factories so that our waterways become once again pristine and a plan to phase out automobiles that create pollution will be put into place nationwide when possible. this will put us on a carbon neutral state or put us in for a positive effect on the ecosystem as a  whole.

10 - it is also our plan to implement research center communities where people are encouraged to create, research and otherwise advance the cause of science to benefit everyone.

11 - new industries - in order to harvest the materiel needed to make all of Canada's roadways into solar roadways, one might look to the asteroid belt in our solar system.  with new advances in EM drives and remote control technology, it is entirely possible to build mining drones that can and will be controlled by ground based operators in real time.  thus we can harvest any minerals we need form the solar system at large without risking a single human life.  remember that platinum asteroid worth 1 trillion dollars?  it could easily be ours.

12 - in order to launch space vehicles on our own, and without using the wasteful rocket launch systems that the rest of the world is using, we need to build a device called a space elevator.    the technology already exists to make a short one, but to make a really effective one we would need use use a technology called diamond nano tubes.  this way, we ascend the elevator and the craft we send up gets a nice soft launch instead of needing  such wasteful boosters.  it would also be good  for launching satellites, and eventually manned vessels.  also the mining cargo would descend in this way .We could rent the facility to other countries as well.

any other issue we would need to solve will be thought out and acted upon .  this group is  from Canada, for Canada.  not for corporations.

feel free to tell me what you think of any of this because im quite serious about all of it.

a chellenge for coders

I have been thinking a lot, and doing a lot of internet searches for this, and have yet to find a solution, at all, actually.

id make it myself but i'm no coder.

the problem is the prohibitive cost of glasses, and a way to make them cheaper or cheaply. whatever.

what i want is a program that, you can input the dimensions and shapes and prescription you need and it spits out a 3d model of a perscription lens ready to be created in clear plastic by a 3d printer.

Don't you think that  could be wonderful?

if you agree, take up the challenge and create the program.

if you do it, great, all i ask for is a copy for my own purposes.

feel free to comment if you take the challenge or if you find someone who's already doing this.


Thursday 20 August 2015

Zombie Media

Ok, so everyone who knows me, and those im about to tell, know that i am a big fan of all sorts of zombie games.  video games, like Dead Island, Dead Space and The Last Of Us are some of my favorites.  The telltale games The Walking Dead iterative story was excellent, and less then pleasant were games like Dead Rising, just my opinion, btw, and i will be posting reviews of each later, when theres more time.

Im also a fan of zombie movies, but again, reviews will come later when theres more time, but briefly, the classics, like Goerge A Romero's Night of the Living Dead series was awesome so far, as are movies like Zombieland and i even enjoyed Warm Bodies, and Shaun Of The Dead because they were actually pretty funny. sadly there are many, many others that are just cheese or a company trying to jump on the bandwagon, like that redux of the omega man that will smith was in.. I Am Legend.... the new ending was so obviously tacked on it was just stupid.  The original ending was much better, but it still wouldn't save that movie in my eyes.

Dont even get me started on EVERYTHING  that is wrong with the movie " adaptation" of World War Z.. just a bunch of Barf.  there was nothing from the book in it at all, and considering my opinion of Max Brooks World War Z, thats just a shame.  OK, so im going to go into a little detail here because im hoping to avoid talking about this waste of potential ever again.  Brad Pit took the name and the fact that there are zombies and NOTHING ELSE from the books.  its lik the paid for the rights to the name and then polity shat all over Max Brooks; book.  sure the people who haven't read the book might enjoy the poorly written romp through crappy, throw away characters, stupid plot developments and an attempt to overcompensate with CGI when it was un necessary, but just about everyone else i spoke to that has read the source material, (yes some even after they watched it, with some coaxing) agree that the movie is, well, lets just say if uve Bowell directed it i wouldn't have been surprised.

on to happier thoughts... there have been great book series in fiction about zombies too, chief among which, of course, is Max Brooks Masterwork, The Zombie Survival Guide and its semi companion piece, World War Z.  if Mr Brooks is reading, i would watch a movie that you wrote about these.  in fact if i ever get rich somehow i would gladly fund a movie like that.

There is also the Newsflesh trilogy, Mira Grants thought provoking tale of a pair of reporters in a post apocalypse, which, in my opinion , treats the zombie virus in sych a realistic way, that even a virologist i spoke to couldn't poke  holes in it, aside from the whole raising the dead part.  Miss Grant, Please make more if there's a way, i quite enjoyed it.

While not specifically about zombies, Mur Laffery's Shambling Guide series  has some pretty cool zombie characters in it, and otherwise they were a good read too.  and scott sigler's Infected trilogy , while not actually about a zombie epidemic, was awesome too but if i told you anything more and spoiled it, well,  mr sigler might.... get upset.  and rightfully so.  the mroe i told you about that series the less fun it is to read for yourself..... anyone else notice that his initials are SS?  weird.

in the subject of zombie fiction, the last one  (no pun intended) ill mention is Jonathan Mayberry's Benny Imura series, starting with Rot and Ruin was actually  pretty cool.  again, the more i tell you, the more i wreck the story. more information there shall be given.

Any hoo, the reason i got thinking about zombie media is because i got found out something pretty awesome thats going to be released soon,but more on that in just a bit.

Zombie RPG's... ive never tried DeadLands, but western stuff isnt my cup of tea anyway, All Flesh Must Be Eaten was my  Favorite for a long time, until i chanced upon a really cool and comprehensive , albeit a little bit buggy source book called Outbreak Undead, and its follow up, Outbreak Deep Space.  they are by far my favorite system(s) to use for zombie gaming.    if you pick up a copy youll find out why.  also the deep space one is sci fi... so i can actually rrun Dead Space  games if  i want to.... it makes me happy.

now for why i am rambling about all of this stuff....  i recently learned that there is an open beta  on the hunters books website , and they are making a second edition of outbreak undead.  i put my name in, :D

anyway, next rant will be soon and it wont be zombie related.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Deadman Wonderland - first episode impressions

very depressing story so far, but engrossing enough to hook me for the long haul.

shiro was lovable, and innocent, in her own way, gatna  seems like just another victim.
the concept of a private prison thats run just for profit  , sadly, isnt all that far from reality.


got a question?  send it along and when i get enough ill answer a bunch.

oh and dont worry, these are just first impressions posts, ill put up full reviews once i watch the entire series.
a certain magical index - first episode opinion

the theme song from episode one was nice and peppy without getting annoying, not as good a song as the one from Deadman Wonderland but its still cool.
well the first episode was engrossing enough to make me want to watch episode two, and lately that is retty difficult, , so there's that.  index seems lovable so far and our haples hero seems like he just might be fun to watch.

the tie ins with a certain scientific railgun were cool.  so far it seems like the series runs concurrently with a certain magical index.  kind of like flash and arrow.

so far i ll give this series a 8 out of ten, but only because i've only seen the first episode.


got a question? any topic!  send it to me and every time i get to, say a dozen ill post answers.

Thursday 6 August 2015

So I started this blog to get my thoughts down, Typos and all.  I plan to talk about stuff that gets my attention,but nothing too political.  topics i can think of might include reviews of movies music and games that i ahve played, and yes negative reviews of poorly made content is possible....  but i am also going to post things such as information about herbal ,edicine, and plants that i am learning about, oh, and i will put up my own fiction from time to time, when i have any to show.

oh and one other thing, i have been using sound cloud to read news items and reddit posts, so if you wnat anything rea,d link it to me and ill give it a shot.