Thursday 20 August 2015

Zombie Media

Ok, so everyone who knows me, and those im about to tell, know that i am a big fan of all sorts of zombie games.  video games, like Dead Island, Dead Space and The Last Of Us are some of my favorites.  The telltale games The Walking Dead iterative story was excellent, and less then pleasant were games like Dead Rising, just my opinion, btw, and i will be posting reviews of each later, when theres more time.

Im also a fan of zombie movies, but again, reviews will come later when theres more time, but briefly, the classics, like Goerge A Romero's Night of the Living Dead series was awesome so far, as are movies like Zombieland and i even enjoyed Warm Bodies, and Shaun Of The Dead because they were actually pretty funny. sadly there are many, many others that are just cheese or a company trying to jump on the bandwagon, like that redux of the omega man that will smith was in.. I Am Legend.... the new ending was so obviously tacked on it was just stupid.  The original ending was much better, but it still wouldn't save that movie in my eyes.

Dont even get me started on EVERYTHING  that is wrong with the movie " adaptation" of World War Z.. just a bunch of Barf.  there was nothing from the book in it at all, and considering my opinion of Max Brooks World War Z, thats just a shame.  OK, so im going to go into a little detail here because im hoping to avoid talking about this waste of potential ever again.  Brad Pit took the name and the fact that there are zombies and NOTHING ELSE from the books.  its lik the paid for the rights to the name and then polity shat all over Max Brooks; book.  sure the people who haven't read the book might enjoy the poorly written romp through crappy, throw away characters, stupid plot developments and an attempt to overcompensate with CGI when it was un necessary, but just about everyone else i spoke to that has read the source material, (yes some even after they watched it, with some coaxing) agree that the movie is, well, lets just say if uve Bowell directed it i wouldn't have been surprised.

on to happier thoughts... there have been great book series in fiction about zombies too, chief among which, of course, is Max Brooks Masterwork, The Zombie Survival Guide and its semi companion piece, World War Z.  if Mr Brooks is reading, i would watch a movie that you wrote about these.  in fact if i ever get rich somehow i would gladly fund a movie like that.

There is also the Newsflesh trilogy, Mira Grants thought provoking tale of a pair of reporters in a post apocalypse, which, in my opinion , treats the zombie virus in sych a realistic way, that even a virologist i spoke to couldn't poke  holes in it, aside from the whole raising the dead part.  Miss Grant, Please make more if there's a way, i quite enjoyed it.

While not specifically about zombies, Mur Laffery's Shambling Guide series  has some pretty cool zombie characters in it, and otherwise they were a good read too.  and scott sigler's Infected trilogy , while not actually about a zombie epidemic, was awesome too but if i told you anything more and spoiled it, well,  mr sigler might.... get upset.  and rightfully so.  the mroe i told you about that series the less fun it is to read for yourself..... anyone else notice that his initials are SS?  weird.

in the subject of zombie fiction, the last one  (no pun intended) ill mention is Jonathan Mayberry's Benny Imura series, starting with Rot and Ruin was actually  pretty cool.  again, the more i tell you, the more i wreck the story. more information there shall be given.

Any hoo, the reason i got thinking about zombie media is because i got found out something pretty awesome thats going to be released soon,but more on that in just a bit.

Zombie RPG's... ive never tried DeadLands, but western stuff isnt my cup of tea anyway, All Flesh Must Be Eaten was my  Favorite for a long time, until i chanced upon a really cool and comprehensive , albeit a little bit buggy source book called Outbreak Undead, and its follow up, Outbreak Deep Space.  they are by far my favorite system(s) to use for zombie gaming.    if you pick up a copy youll find out why.  also the deep space one is sci fi... so i can actually rrun Dead Space  games if  i want to.... it makes me happy.

now for why i am rambling about all of this stuff....  i recently learned that there is an open beta  on the hunters books website , and they are making a second edition of outbreak undead.  i put my name in, :D

anyway, next rant will be soon and it wont be zombie related.

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