Saturday 29 August 2015

a chellenge for coders

I have been thinking a lot, and doing a lot of internet searches for this, and have yet to find a solution, at all, actually.

id make it myself but i'm no coder.

the problem is the prohibitive cost of glasses, and a way to make them cheaper or cheaply. whatever.

what i want is a program that, you can input the dimensions and shapes and prescription you need and it spits out a 3d model of a perscription lens ready to be created in clear plastic by a 3d printer.

Don't you think that  could be wonderful?

if you agree, take up the challenge and create the program.

if you do it, great, all i ask for is a copy for my own purposes.

feel free to comment if you take the challenge or if you find someone who's already doing this.


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