Saturday 29 August 2015

when i run Canada / New political party

i \'ve been thinking that harper doesn't know who to govern for the people, and frankly i have my doubts about Trudeau, ready or not, i think that he comes from money and therefore can not see past his own nose.  therefore i have been thinking that i should start my own political party and , not this election, but the next one, actually put forth some contenders nationwide.  maybe call it the Ubuntu party, like the one that is already out there, or call it the fixit party, because thats exactly what we will do. fix it.

any name suggestions (that are not profane) will be welcomed.

now, heres what i mean.

1 - firstly there's the problem with lobbyists trying to influence politicians.  to many backroom deals happen because some corporation wants something and they "convince" politicians to do what they want, one way or another.  my solution is simple.  being a lobbyist in Canada will be rendered illegal.  penalties for attempting this sort of thing will begin at deportation, or Incarceration, minimum sentence, 10 years. no chance of parole.  no chance of white collar prison.

2 - there is also the problem that politicians are all in it for the money, and if they aren't, they are a rare gen indeed.  my solution. simple, politicians on all levels will make minimum wage. no more, travel will be reimbursed only if teleconferencing wont work.  also, as a small addendum, political attack ads will be illegal too.  frankly they annoy me.

3 -the department of indian affairs will be totally dismantled.  its long overdue to notice that these are people who can look after themselves.  this will be replaced with a well constructed department of aboriginal assistance.   apologies be dammed, this will show that the government is finally serious about reconciliation. the department of aboriginal assistance will help aboriginal people reclaim their dignity..

4 - frakking will be outlawed.  no ifs ands or buts, just a blanket ban. attempting to do so will have a hefty 1 million dollar fine, per liter of water used in this way.  their equipment will also be seized (and destroyed) and the company, if foreign will be evicted from this country.

5 - nationally, all waterways  will be put on a wildlife comes first policy.  forests will be protected.  Canada is known worldwide for its natural beauty, so we need to make sure that its not just a rumor when people come to see it.  reforestation projects will be under taken  in desertified regions,   these projects will likely star that wonderful keystone species, the beaver.

4 - all universities and colleges will be free to attend, paid for by industry.  you still have to excel to get into good programs but you wont pay a dime to go to school.  we can not use our youth as a bank account.  student debt will be forgiven and reimbursed.  how will w pay for this?  simple.  see entry 6.

5 - many farms will be outfitted so that they will have four crops per year instead of one.  norther regions will see large , energy officiant greenhouses built to grow food for the local population.  this should cut down on costs because  not much will have to be flown in any more.  plus the issue with the starving population will be automatically addressed.  prices will be fixed at affordable levels as to not make someone, figuratively, mortgage their homes to buy a salad.

6- we will legalize and regulate marijuana and prostitution.  i know, its a hot button issue, but there are reasons for this.  remember that pig farm that had all those dead prostitutes buried in it?  if we do nothing, that will be free to happen again.  don't get me wrong, pimping will still be a crime, but Licensed prostitutes will be given regular checkups and safety guidelines and possibly a bodyguard so that such things like that scary pig farm incident will never happen again.   as for pot, well, if its readily available from stores then illegal trade in that substance will evaporate, and the federally created varieties will have quality inspections to avoid poisonings that might happen if someone deals tainted stuff.

there's also the fact that the rest of the ant can be used as paper, textiles, clothing and a vast range of other products.  and lastly on this point, we can in fact tax both of these things and make some serious revenue..

7 - homelessness - to solve homelessness, the answer is actually quite simple. we build them houses.  there can be a federal source of funding to build appropriately sized and possibly off the grid housing for any homeless person who needs it.  those among the homeless who do not want a home will still be given the offer.

8 - energy - we as a country will rid ourselves of the need for fossil fuels and nuclear energy.  the solution ?   solar, wind,  geothermal, tidal, and wave power are all readily avaiable and usually quite inexpensive to implement.  solar roadways with printable soar cells cna and will be used if possible, and barring that, i do have a plan to harvest materials to make every roadway in canada a solar roadway.  we will be able to export energy to the world, and energy technology.

9 pollution eradication - smog filters will be placed at  strategic locations in all major cities to clean up our air, water filtration facilities will be required at all factories so that our waterways become once again pristine and a plan to phase out automobiles that create pollution will be put into place nationwide when possible. this will put us on a carbon neutral state or put us in for a positive effect on the ecosystem as a  whole.

10 - it is also our plan to implement research center communities where people are encouraged to create, research and otherwise advance the cause of science to benefit everyone.

11 - new industries - in order to harvest the materiel needed to make all of Canada's roadways into solar roadways, one might look to the asteroid belt in our solar system.  with new advances in EM drives and remote control technology, it is entirely possible to build mining drones that can and will be controlled by ground based operators in real time.  thus we can harvest any minerals we need form the solar system at large without risking a single human life.  remember that platinum asteroid worth 1 trillion dollars?  it could easily be ours.

12 - in order to launch space vehicles on our own, and without using the wasteful rocket launch systems that the rest of the world is using, we need to build a device called a space elevator.    the technology already exists to make a short one, but to make a really effective one we would need use use a technology called diamond nano tubes.  this way, we ascend the elevator and the craft we send up gets a nice soft launch instead of needing  such wasteful boosters.  it would also be good  for launching satellites, and eventually manned vessels.  also the mining cargo would descend in this way .We could rent the facility to other countries as well.

any other issue we would need to solve will be thought out and acted upon .  this group is  from Canada, for Canada.  not for corporations.

feel free to tell me what you think of any of this because im quite serious about all of it.

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